To report a student absent, between 7:30 and 8:30 am:
E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (570)226-4557 | press 9 | extension 3057
Fax: (570) 251-3165
Please include: your name, student's name, date and reason for absence. If you have children in more than one building, each building must be contacted. For more information, please see the Parent/Student Handbook
Important: Please be aware that the official opening of school is 7:50 am. Also, please be aware that children arriving after 8:00 am are marked tardy.
If you are going to pick up a student from school at dismissal time, you must send a note with your child. If someone else is picking up your child, please state so in note. If we do not have a note, the student will be placed on their bus home.