Academic Support
Students who are eligible for academic intervention services may work with the Instructional Interventionist, Mrs. Kromko. In addition, Mrs. Holbert develops and monitors 504 plans for those students who qualify. |
Support Groups
Support groups are utilized by students who may be struggling with personal or academic stressors. Students develop coping skills within a group of peers who share similar experiences. These groups are run by the School Counselor, Mrs. Katz. |
Classroom Guidance Lessons
In an effort to provide proactive guidance to all students, the School Counselor, Mrs. Holbert, periodically conducts classroom guidance lessons. Some topics of these lessons include bullying, career awareness, and making good choices. |
Individual Support
The counselors in the guidance department also provide one-on-one support to students who need help with social skills, stress, problem-solving, family issues and anger management. |
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