Student Assistance Programs
The WASD Student Assistance Program is known as SAP. Both the High School and Middle School buildings have a trained SAP Team made up of teachers, administrators and counselors who meet several times a week to provide services to referred students. In addition, every building in the district has a full-time Student Assistance / Crisis Counselor.
The SAP program provides a means of identifying and helping students who have challenges which interfere with their success at school.
There are many possible reasons for referral to the SAP Team, such as:
Drug/Alcohol Abuse | Recent Death of a Loved One |
Depression/Anxiety | Pregnancy/Teen Parent |
Divorce | Social / Behavior Concerns |
Eating Disorders | Other Personal Problems |
Through SAP, students may be offered help in many ways including counseling, mentoring and support groups.
Students can be referred to the Student Assistance Program by parents, peers, administration, faculty or staff, and self-referral. For the High School, fill out the Online SAP Referral Form, for the Middle School, print the Middle School SAP Referral Form and return to the appropriate Guidance Department. Parental permission is required for student participation in SAP. Involvement in SAP is confidential.
For additional information, refer to the High School SAP page or the Middle School SAP page, email the SAP Team at [email protected], or contact:
Safe2Say Something (S2SS) Program Information

In 2018, the General Assembly passed Act 44 mandating the establishment and use of the "Safe2Say Something" (S2SS) anonymous reporting system by every Pennsylvania school entity by January 14, 2019.
S2SS is a life-saving and life-changing school safety program that teaches students, educators, and administrators how: (1) to recognize the signs and signals of individuals who may be at risk of hurting themselves or others, and (2) to anonymously report this information through the S2SS app, website, or 24/7 Crisis Center Hotline.
For further information, please refer to the following documents: