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Title IX Information

Policy Statement

The Wallenpaupack Area School District has created policies which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex in both education and employment. Board Policy and Administrative Practices and Procedures prohibits sex bias in such educational areas as treatment of students, instruction, counseling practices, financial assistance, awards, physical education, interscholastic and intramural athletics, and disciplinary procedures. Board Policy and Administrative Practices and Procedures prohibits sex bias in such employment areas as applications, recruitment, hiring, upgrading and promotion, rates of pay, fringe benefits, job assignment and classification, leaves of absence, training and all other terms, conditions or privileges of employment.

For information regarding Civil Rights or Grievance Procedures, please contact Mr. Keith Gunuskey, Title IX Coordinator, at 2552 Route 6, Hawley, PA 18428, or telephone (570)226-4557. It is the coordinator's responsibility to make certain that all education programs and activities and all employment procedures are free from discrimination on the basis of these conditions stated in the Policy.

Relevant Board Policies

All Board Policies are stored in the BoardDocs system. To access the full text of these policies, click this link, then click on 'Policies', then click on the policy you wish to access.

  • Policy #103 - Nondiscrimination/Discriminatory Harassment - School and Classroom Practices

  • Policy #103.1 - Nondiscrimination - Qualified Students with Disabilities

  • Policy #104 - Nondiscrimination/Discriminatory Harassment - Employoment Practices

Training Materials
