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Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment -
Literacy and Social Studies

Grades K-2 - Literacy

PA State Standards: https://www.pdesas.org

Reading Program Core and Supplemental Resources:

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness: https://heggerty.org

American Reading Company Core: https://new.americanreading.com/arc-core

Grade KGrade 1Grade 2
Literacy Lab Literacy Lab Literacy Lab
Zoology Wild and Endangered Animals
(Informational Writing)
Bugs and their Ecosystems
(Informational Writing)
Ecology Family Stories
(Narrative Writing)
Animal Stories
(Narrative Writing)
Entomology Plants
(Opinion Writing)
Jobs in My Community
(Opinion Writing)

Grades K-2 - Social Studies

The content and context of Social Studies are embedded in the following ELA Units of Instruction:

Grade K: Ecology

Grade 1: Families and Family Stories

Grade 2: Jobs in My Community

Grades 3-5 - Literacy

PA State Standards: https://www.pdesas.org

Reading Program Core and Supplemental Resources:

Heggerty Phonemic Awareness: https://heggerty.org

American Reading Company Core: https://new.americanreading.com/arc-core

Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5
Literacy Lab Literacy Lab Literacy Lab
Weather and Climate
(Informational Writing)
Animal Adaptations
(Informational Writing)
US Geography & the Colonies
(Informational Writing)
Traditional Tales
(Narrative Writing)
Historical Fiction
(Narrative Writing)
Adventure & Survival
(Narrative Writing)
The Times of the Titanic
(Opinion Writing)
US States
(Opinion Writing)
The Civil Rights Era
(Opinion Writing)

Grades 3-5 - Social Studies

The content and context of Social Studies are embedded in the following ELA Units of Instruction:

Grade 3: Weather and Climate, World Cultures and Traditional Tales, Times of the Titanic

Grade 4: U.S. Historical Fiction, U.S. States

Grade 5: U.S. Geography and the Colonies, The Civil Rights Era

Grades 6-8 - Literacy

PA State Standards: https://www.pdesas.org

Reading Program Core and Supplemental Resources:

Reading Apprenticeship: https://readingapprenticeship.org

Grade 6: American Reading Company Core: https://new.americanreading.com/arc-core

Grade 6
Literacy Lab
Mystery & Forensic Science
Greek and Roman Mythology
Ancient Civilizations

Grades 7 & 8: Focus on grammar, conventions, writing and reading of fiction and nonfiction texts using novels, poems, short stories, dramas, essays, and journals.

Grades 6-8 - Social Studies

Grade 6: This course is designed to provide a survey of geography, as well as Pennsylvania history and Pennsylvania civics.

Grade 7: This course focuses on geography skills, medieval history, the Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery, Age of Absolutism, England's American Colonization and Early American Independence.

Grade 8: This course focuses on The French & Indian War, the rise of anti-British sentiments in the colonies, the fight for independence, the growth and challenges of America as a new nation, the impact of the French Revolution on early American policy, and the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Grades 9-12 - Literacy

PA State Standards: https://www.pdesas.org

English 9 & 10: Literature-based courses focusing on analysis of the various genres and practical, analytical and critical composition skills.

English 11 & 12: Traditional British and World literature content focusing on literary appreciation and analysis. Additional standards-aligned courses in specific genres (American Horror, Science Fiction, Leadership and Entrepreneurship) are also offered.

AP Language and Composition: Students read and carefully analyze a broad and challenging collection of writings to enhance their awareness of how writers use language, style, and rhetoric to create meaning.

AP Literature: Students read extensively with emphasis on composition as a means for analysis of and reaction to the literary genres.

Grades 9-12 - Social Studies

U.S. History: U.S. History courses in the High School span from the 1820s to modern day with an emphasis on the development of federal ideals and the role of the American government in conflict and diplomacy.

World Cultures: The Middle East, South Asia, East Asia, and Africa are areas of concentration in this course with an emphasis on each culture's geography, customs, social systems, religion, government, art, music, and literature.

Introduction to Psychology: This course is an overview of major psychological theories, approaches, and methods. The topics include development, gender and sexuality, learning, thinking, motivation, stress, personality, and personality disorders.

Introduction to Logic and Philosophy: The curriculum will examine the intersection of scientific and political revolutions focusing on the works of Locke, Hume, Kant, Rosseau, Jefferson, Marx, and MacIntyre, in addition to focusing on learning how to craft logical arcuments and studying the fallacies to which arguments can fall prey.

American Pop Culture: This course will examine the impact of Pop Culture in the United States that helps make up our unique American culture. Students will analyze and predict how society affects pop culture and the way that pop culture impacts society.

Global Human Rights: This course represents an analysis of the following topics: genocide, human trafficking, illegal immigrants, refugees, and torture.

Modern American Government: This course will examine what influences the modern U.S. government and will analyze the philosophical underpinnings of the U.S. government.

Overview ALL Students
Numeracy and
Literacy and
Social Studies
SEL/DEI/SAP Special Areas Courses of Study 2023-24 Textbook List